


Guiding You Down the Aisle


every step of the way

NYLUX Events offers planning, design, and event management for weddings of all sizes and at different stages of planning. We love intimate family celebrations just as much as large gatherings. The quality of the services you receive should be outstanding, regardless of the size of your guest list.  We are with you to produce your vision of your big day, every step of the way.


Let Us Help

Venue choices, design meetings, menu tastings, family drama, contract negotiations, complex budget, layered timelines. Weddings both big and small require all of these.  Wedding planning can get overwhelming with all the decisions that need making. Let us help.

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Your Love Story

Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join two families and celebrate a new union. Whether you decide to commemorate in a spiritual manner or create new traditions, we are here to help you express yourself in a meaningful way. This is your love story.